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Tafsīr Ibn Abī Hātim Ar-Rāzī

Tafsīr Ibn Abī Hātim Ar-Rāzī

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Ibn Hatim al-Razi (Abu Muhammad ’Abd al-Rahman ibn Abi Hatim al-Razi) (240 AH/854 CE – 327 AH/938 CE) was a renowned Islamic scholar, historian, and compiler of hadith (Prophetic traditions). He was born in Rayy (modern-day Iran), which was a prominent center of Islamic scholarship during his time.


Ibn Hatim is best known for his monumental work “al-Jarh wa al-Ta’dil” (The Criticism and Praise of Narrators), which is one of the most comprehensive works on the evaluation of hadith narrators. This work provides detailed biographies and critiques of narrators, contributing significantly to the science of hadith authentication.

He authored a tafsir (commentary on the Qur’an) based on narrations from early Islamic scholars, especially focusing on narrations from the Prophet, his Companions, and the early generations (Salaf

He studied under many prominent scholars of his time, including his father, Abu Hatim al-Razi (a renowned scholar of hadith), and transmitted knowledge to many students, leaving a lasting legacy in Islamic scholarship.

His works emphasized the importance of authentic transmission and strict standards for narrators, which played a crucial role in preserving the integrity of Islamic traditions.

Ibn Hatim al-Razi’s meticulous scholarship and contributions to the fields of hadith and tafsir make him one of the central figures in Islamic studies. His works continue to be a reference point for scholars in the field.

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